Kiwanis International is a worldwide volunteer organization, founded in Detroit, Michigan in 1915, headquartered now in Indianapolis.

"Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers improving the world one child and one community at a time"

Kiwanis International boasts over 600,000 Kiwanis "family members" located in over 90 countries and every continent of the globe. We continue to be a vibrant, thriving organization of like-minded caring individuals who are ready to respond to the needs of their communities and when called upon, pool their financial and human resources to address issues worldwide. Through these efforts, Kiwanis International truly is "Serving the Children of the World."

The Kiwanis Club of Huntsville Muskoka was chartered in 2017. We are the northern most club in Division 8, of Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District of Kiwanis International.

If being a part of a family that values the joy of fellowship, friendships and to really feel like you've made a difference, Kiwanis is for you.

If you are interested in joining an active service club or learning more about Kiwanis and what we do, go to our ‘Who We Are’ or the 'Come Grow With Us' section on this website for more detailed information.